Sunday, October 6, 2013

One Week 'til "Real Life"

All summer I've been wanting to start a blog, and finally one week before I start my full time job, I finally got to it!

This summer has been full of food and mini adventures! I started out the summer by going sky diving, then took a 3 week trip to Thailand, spent lots of time in Austin, traveled all around Texas- Abilene, Corpus Christi, the Valley (southern tip of Texas), & Uvalde, and of course spent tons of time at home cooking!

Here are a few pics from my trip to Thailand, but I'll be doing a whole post about it soon, because it was so incredible!

Dee-jay Hostel in Chiang Mai with our amazing tour guide Adam!

Koh Phi Phi look out point 

Wat in Bangkok (forgive me I forgot the name we saw so many)

Koh Tao- where we spent the day snorkeling 

Outside of Bangkok next to a Buddha 

Cute little guy trying to steal the candy at a small village outside of Chiang Mai

In between all the travels, I learned how to make THE BEST focaccia bread, which is great for open faced sandwiches with grilled chicken and roasted onions & garlic. I'll post pics when I do another batch (my parents love it, so it will definitely be soon.)

I also learned the art of canning and preserving!  I made blueberry-nectarine jam which pairs great with frozen fruit and yogurt, a raspberry-chipotle jam that ended up being a staple on the focaccia bread,  a cinnamon-nutmeg pear jam with low-sugar from pears my grandma gave and she loved it! I also tried my hand at pickles (which are super easy)!

Blueberry-Nectarine Jam

Chipotle-Raspberry Jam


Well, the summer has sure flown by and I can't wait to see what is in store for me next!

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